Leadership is Not a Ladder to Climb

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I've had so many conversations where people assume leadership coaching is about climbing the corporate ladder - securing the next title or the next promotion. And I get it. That's often how leadership is framed, which is unfortunate.

That's not what draws me to this work.

For me, leadership isn't about reaching the 'top'. It's about presence - how we show up, the impact we have, and the responsibility that comes with it. Leadership is bigger than individual success. It's about shaping something beyond ourselves - our kids, our teams, our organizations, and even the broader systems we're part of. As one of my wise clients shared - leadership ins't an individual pursuit, it can be shared.

And what a time to be speaking about the responsibility of leadership. We are watching leaders around the world make decisions that harm - decisions that contribute to an even more fractured and disparate world.

I want to work with people who are interested in something different. Leaders who aren't just thinking about their own careers but about the ripple effects of their leadership. Who ask: How do my choices affect the people around me? What kind of culture am I creating? How does my leadership extend beyond my family, my team, my organization, and my country?

Titles and promotions can be meaningful, but they aren't what make someone a leader. Leadership is about integrity and the awareness that our actions reach further than we often realize.

When I work with people, I prefer to focus on the kind of leader they want to be and the impact they want to have. Because that's what lasts.

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